Monday, April 03, 2006

Quick Update

Fuck me dead where has March gone? In fact, where have the last two weeks gone? Too many festivals, too much to do...

I've been helping an e-friend, Charles Green, by reading his manuscript for a fantasy role-playing game supplement and providing detailed feedback and criticism.

I've been to several more events at the Next Wave Festival, including:
  • Blood Policy's superb puppetry-meets-new media hybrid Operation;
  • The provocative and stimulating visual art exhibition The Anti-Mascot Project;
  • The imaginative but clearly in need of script editing and/or more demanding dramaturgy/direction performance, Chronicles of a Sleepless Moon, presented by the wildly inventive The Suitcase Royale;
  • And the frankly disappointing Pink Denim in Manhatten, whose staging, sound production and lighting were bloody good, but whose script was banal and simplistic, and whose performer seemed to have no range except 'turned up to 11';
  • And tonight's closing night party, which was the closest Next Wave had to having a real festival club and festival vibe where you can discuss the work you've seen with total strangers who are also festival punters (although that said, the artistic content of the festival this year was damn strong - congratulations to Marcus, Fiona and their team!).
What else has been happening?

Well, the French Film Festival has started - I've seen a few films, but nothing outstanding yet.

My old friends Mark and Penny, who I've known since 1985, threw a housewarming party last night to celebrate the end of their renovations - and my god, what a transformation! It's the same house, but totally and utterly different... Pretty trippy, really!

I've been working two days a week at RRR - currently editing a broadcaster's policy manual.

There's been some fun and some drama on the Board of Melbourne Fringe, including a day-trip up to Bendigo to see the second stage of Human Momentum.

Oh yeah, and there was that minor league international sporting carnival which I completely avoided, although I did check out its free cultural program, including a highly enjoyable evening spent in the Alexandra Gardens to the sounds of True Live and Not Drowning, Waving, followed by a hypnotic night-time performance by Strange Fruit.

Right now though, I'm going to bed, as I'm acting News Editor at the gay and lesbian newspaper MCV for two days this week, starting tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heya Richard...
nice 2 yak...

here's that upcoming talk i was tellin u about...

Meet Cory Doctorow
Tuesday 18 April at 7.30pm at ACMI Cinemas
Tickets: $15 / $13; Bookings & further information: or 03 8663 2583

Meet internationally renowned novelist, blogger and technology activist Cory Doctorow for an entertaining night showcasing his unique thoughts on the future of films and media in the digital age.

Offering a remarkable global perspective on the future, Cory will discuss his view that technologies which seek to restrict the copying and use of digital works suppress creativity and treat honest users like crooks. The session will cover the tension between corporate imperatives and end-user experience, the current state of Digital Rights Management, online book publishing and more.

Cory also freelances for publications such as Wired, Popular Science, New York Times, and websites like Salon. As well as publishing his own science fiction novels, Cory co-wrote a nonfiction book called The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Science Fiction (2000), with Karl Schroeder.

Cory's website - ( and )

Popcorn Taxi would like to the Australian Film Commission for supporting this event